Monday, December 31, 2007


I expand from within as the pressure
outside goes down
Most of it is predictable now
The chair in the corner looks
at me like a platypus
What will it be without me
to see it with that half sardonic Duck grin
It's like Pee-Wee's playhouse
here sometimes
Nature abhors a vacuum

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Christmas Carol

Dickens gave us one codification of the suffering of the poor. He made them humble and noble and we have institutionalized this schema of compassion. You can even buy gold plated, limited edition, castings of scenes from a "Christmas Carol" if you want to flaunt your ability to separate sign and signified.
Years ago, when my son joined the cub scouts, I agreed to be a den leader. That Christmas, we took a list of addresses given to us by one of the churches, and took toys and food to the homes on Christmas eve. Most of the homes had a single mother and kids. Sad little dark places with measly trees or no tree at all. A lot of the women were ashamed, like they had done something wrong - made their kids lower was bad enough they had to live like this, but we shun the poor, we take away their dignity, we are suspicious of them. "I mean, how screwed up do you have to be in this country to not be in the middle class?" - We love our aristocracy more than the lords.....
But this is all too easy to see. It is just one of the vast abstract billboards warning everyone that we are if nothing else as a species, egregious liars!
All over the world today there are great reunions, fine dinners with good will and love. There are homecomings and traditions kept alive and so much symbolism. All of this is marvelous. There is also the disunity, the disjunction; but it isn't the caricature of Tiny Tim or clean, hard working, noble peasants; it's 1 million women and children homeless in America, today. It's the jump in suicides this time of year, and the people who have slipped through the cracks. It's the preoccupation with doing the best for our own and how that group is constantly shrinking. It's the suspicion and psychologically antiseptic position we take with all of the strangers who are potential con artists, pedophiles, verbal abusers, bi-polars, gamblers, fatties, smokers, druggies, sci-fi nerds, players, haters, stalkers, voyeurs, cell-members, moles, demons, microbes, infectious agents, liabilities, .... ad nauseum -
Out of all the millions of strangers living alone and not invited to a good old fashioned Christmas dinner, how many were real threats? How many suicides this season would not have occurred if a single act of kindness had been shown to a stranger.
We used to think Chauvinism was bad. How Chauvinistic is it to go to the level of your own DNA?
Maybe all Dickens really did was let everyone off the hook? We can all say, "such a shame", and keep going.

Once compassion becomes an unwise financial risk, it becomes ritualized and ridiculous; more for the compassionate actors than the audience. We can pretend all we want to, we can set aside special days for kindness or love or gratitude, and put it in our scheduler, and do all the right things, like a huge heartless machine grinding beautiful ideas into porcelain nick-knacks.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Role of the Observer

This looks better full size - click it

The Role of the Observer

The world is my blog
I keep it going by
and leaving
Here alone
by myself
I keep on
and making
The individual is nothing but
there is no real identity but in
another's heart.
That's the role of the observer.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The White Wailing

To defy Power, which seems omnipotent;
To love, and bear;
to hope till Hope creates
From its own wreck the thing it contemplates

- Shelley

Siddhartha Retreats

Who threw Pip into the sea?
Was it thee?

Strictures make the crime
make the irony
of itself
It is inevitable

Who sent Pip down below
to know much more
than he should know?

Says the Whirlwind:
"Speak your judgement, and it shall be"

Dilute in the vastness of it all,
what drove Pip mad;
the deep,
or innocence?

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Volunteered Slavery

May the better man win

Some of us began to wonder
at the Colliseum
looking up each day
to see how well we'd done
Were they proud?
Was our day passed?
We began to wonder; who are
they and who are we
down here?
There is the lion
and there is here.

This is deeply distrurbing.
I'd almost rather see the devil running the world.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Flame

The Flame

I have no rituals
but I ritualize
a name
a face
a feeling
my mind's hand
touching, exploring
with its fingertips
I can't give it up, or, I won't give it up;
I don't know which

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thank you god for You Tube!!

I'm influenced by Princess Haiku and feels good, I'm lighter....

I have always loved Fela Kuti; his music and what he stood for. I have listened to "Army Arrangement" over and over countless times. I had the same experience with "Are you experienced".

So periodically, I check, and there it is

If you've never heard him, you are in for a mind-blowing treat!

First, some info about Fela

In 1977 Fela and the Afrika 70 released the hit album Zombie, a scathing attack on Nigerian soldiers using the "zombie" metaphor to describe the methods of the Nigerian military. The album was a smash hit with the people and infuriated the government, setting off a vicious attack against the Kalakuta Republic, during which one thousand soldiers attacked the commune. Fela was severely beaten, and his elderly mother was thrown from a window, causing fatal injuries. The Kalakuta Republic was burned, and Fela's studio, instruments, and master tapes were destroyed. Fela claimed that he would have been killed if it were not for the intervention of a commanding officer as he was being beaten. Fela's response to the attack was to deliver his mother's coffin to the main army barrack in Lagos and write two songs, "Coffin for Head of State" and "Unknown Soldier," referencing the official inquiry which claimed the commune had been destroyed by an unknown soldier.

Over a million people attended his funeral. He died of AIDS.

Here is the incredible video!

I couldn't live without italics

There is nothing not
only misunderstood.
Everyone understands everything.

Does it matter how different
the answers are?

Bridge Street

How could a name conceived
with such utility
now carry so much imagining?
There is a nostalgia here
for steel.
There is a nostalgia here
for luck.

There are faces in my floor -
These are all from my bathroom floor with no processing. The blue is color distortion from a cheap digital camera (or is it?)

Heart of a tree, butterfly, ripples in a pond...?

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Look Ma, both hams

How to improvise with both hams
Don't imagine bass and right hand
Imagine bass player and piano player
Don't imagine bass notes and piano notes
Imagine dialogue
It's not the hand, but the
arm, that makes them different
One that walks the beat
One that sees what it can get away with


Pray to Be
What can we pray for
and show good faith
to have it answered?
We can pray to be;
to be fair, and generous;
honest and open; to love;
even the impossible; especially
the impossible
We can pray for the will
to carry out our best intentions
We can pray we are not ruined
by strife or bad luck;
to lose our prejudices
by the bundle
To see the hand that moves
when we move
to cut the strings
To ask a thousand terrifying questions
every day
To be afraid
but not live in fear
To be new, but not naive
To stay in our seats
for the whole movie
and never look away
We can pray to be the answer
to another prayer

What can we then hope for,
and show good faith?
To be loved for
what we pray to be.

Hey Ike, here's a cool contemporary string quarted called Ethel, maybe it will help stop the voices...
Be careful, string players jerk their heads around a lot

Oh, and Ike - here's that Chet Baker stuff you were wondering about...

Check out this cat's face - he's been around....

Now, IKE - here's a real treat.....three masters at work:
Van Morrison, Chet Baker, and Steven Sondheim - excruciatingly beautiful, I know that's your diet Ike - nothing but meat...

More music for you Ike -
Comfortably Numb


You say Truth, Beauty, Love, God;
these things are for children
What have you instead
with your relaxed jeans
and ball caps and running shoes?
You're still JUST dad trying to be cool
and existential like
It's the same old cynicism
of least action for the heart
of way more answers than questions
authoritative like
You live without myth? That's the adult way?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


There is only one Phoenixville

High Bridge stretches like a
great cat arching its back
toward the sun
What is on the other side
I barely know;
different churches
different rights and wrongs
different things that make them smile

We come to this side, to be reborn;
but first, to finish burning.
I have seen death leaving the station
as I was coming in
and thanked it in my new mind
but that was before

The Sunflower has been cut for winter;
layed out on the grass to melt away
Everything around me has
died or disappeared
and still...
no sign of ash

What will this one be like, what have I learned?
Death precedes birth but they are one and the same
in the limit.
The flame is worth the fire if you're honest.
Don't count on now.
There really is only one Phoenixville.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Who am I to teach?
Who am I to say?
Only of the things
I'd go back and change
Only of the things I wish
I'd learned sooner
Only to wretches worse
off than me
Or those that, like
me, will soon be

Who am I to be this self-documenting
To fill the already full with me?

This is deliberate;
you think naive?

Study the coincidences
read them like a book

If there is one allegory then all
is allegory
If there is survival of the fittest
there are also better generations
If there is one love
then all is love
Death is the
absence of love
not breath


Egocentric religions and belief systems

So many religious, ethical, metaphysical/spiritual belief systems seem to be in terms of the gains for the participant.
Be good, you go to heaven, your prayers are answered, ...
Think positively and you'll get what you want, it will be attracted to you, ....

We could just as easily include, slit a chickens throat, mix the blood with toad slime, ...., and you get, whatever you desire

People then try to balance the equation subject to the constraint, they get whatever the big payoff is - they can say, "I can't help that man, it's against the law, if I break the law, I'll go to hell." The greediest for deferred rewards of course are the most pious, they have huge investments to protect - mansions in heaven -

There's not much in popular culture about trying to become good with no thought of rewards or punishments. Even Buddhism gets contorted into some final payoff.
Suppose you could be overjoyed every time you could help someone. You'd have a constant source of joy.
How is it that self-interest has become so pervasive?

If you are conned often enough
on the great road
you will stop trusting strangers
there are only strangers after this

If you are lied to often enough
on the great road
you will look for the
truth behind what is being said
there is only deafness after this

If you are cheated often enough
on the great road
you will learn the value
of things
there is only commerce after this

If you suffer often enough
on the great road
you will come to
love simplicity

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cycletherapy and Cycletherapists

Oh Gawd! He's doing it again!
He's warm, and funny and bright for a while
and then, cold, dark, silent
He's cycling! Look, he's cycling.
Quick, call a Pharmacist!
It's spring

Salv: So, what is time then?
Simp: It is what is measured by a clock.
Salv: And how does a clock do that?
Simp: It's quite simple.
He opened a clock to show me
Simp: See this gear? It turns this gear, which in turn turns
these two gears, which in turn, ...
Salv: Ah, but why those gears, in that way?
Simp: Why to get the right time.
Salv: And if there were no clocks?
Simp: We wouldn't know what time it was.

Everything profound is circular; tautology
Everything meaningful is choice
Survival for that which
must compete is obvious
Detachment from that which is
bound to pain is obvious
Everything important is obvious
Here's the choice:
The infinite joys of this world;
Are they worth the wheel of it?

The holy choose the middle way.
Middle of the road, is peaceful.
The profane choose the dust
of the road.
There is enough futility here
to make distractions seem
like wisdom
Then there are those of us
that choose the flame
We learn to keep
the losses to
We nail the chosen
hide and all
to the sky
We learn
to weave ourselves,
in time.....

Friday, November 30, 2007

Materialism is Hell

I have nothing to say and I am saying it
- John Cage

Conditions to be me

Everything in this world
can be replaced with
something else,
except me;
that's what it means
to have an identity
But you can replace us
one and all
with something else
someone else

High trade

And, when am
I, you?
After all, I'm only
a number


What do you see?

I must use words like
information and entropy,
un-poetic words
(to some)
This world will not go back to grazing
on the beauty in our eyes
We must see enlightenment
In what is here
like it was done before

The music of our poetry must
be Stokhausen or at least Hindemith
or Schoenberg;
not Schumann!
This new wine can not be served
in mimicry
Mimicry is nothing now

We can no longer
ignore numbers

Question reality seeing
it digitized

What your eyes saw
is not real

It's that easy now
That easy now

For Christ's sake! It is not
the physical mountain that is

What could be worse than the circular argument of Darwinian purpose for human beings. Kill or be killed? Survival of the fittest; and the most preposterous, our purpose is to perpetuate the species.
To be dumped in with all the other animals, because we share traits in the physical dimension is hell!
Living the life of a wildebeest with the consciousness of an angel - what a cruel fate of nature! Not to even be treated like a human - abhorrent - it makes me shudder!
Quite simply, the fact that the Darwinian competitive model explains the physical behavior of the survivors, is simply stating that the traits that help the next generation survive will be evident in the survivors. This has nothing to do with purpose. It simply states that in a competitive environment, the survivors will have traits that help them survive. It is self-evident.
Now if we start off by saying that we can be explained completely in terms of physics and biology, then of course, death is a physical, biological, event. Dead dog, dead child, dead whore - all same.
But you can't prove there's nothing after death by starting with the assumption that we are only physical - this is circular.
How can we know what's after death for us; humans - with charities, and poets, and village idiots and mardi-gras and churches and universities and good will and funerals? Socrates showed this over 2000 years ago. It is in the definition of death.
There is some part of all of us that thinks it is eternal. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. It's a maybe though.
So what are you are going to stake your life on? Try being an animal for a day. Don't dream, don't feel compassion, don't feel a oneness with the world, don't appreciate the privilege of consciousness; try!
If you choose to believe you have the same fate as every other beast, go ahead, but then don't whine about it!
Keep your hell to your self.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Indra's Net

Knot Theory
Once there is the first connection
it cannot be stopped
connected to connected
in combinatorics unfathomable
Reflection upon reflection

The great deceiver and the
greatest deceit are the same

Deliverance is the true death

Not the deaths that only grow

and colonize
Not the deaths that stop the heart
Not the gun to the temple
Not any path that ends in meat
Not to light and cold
and judgement or
harted or
Not to greed or anger
or murder
nor sentiment
the true death delivers

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Two Rods Off

Genius is the activity which repairs the decays of things, whether wholly or partly of a material and finite kind. Nature, through all her kingdoms, insures herself. Nobody cares for planting the poor fungus: so she shakes down from the gills of one agaric countless spores, any one of which, being preserved, transmits new billions of spores to-morrow or next day. The new agaric of this hour has a chance which the old one had not. This atom of seed is thrown into a new place, not subject to the accidents which destroyed its parent two rods off. - Emerson (the Poet)

Two rods off

Entropy Increases

The whale

the dead letter clerk
the confidence man
and the ambiguities

These are the ages that repeat

What noise the ear makes

What light the eyes
What silence the tongue speaks
There is but one revelation

and it will burn the world
to its foundations

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Heart of a Tree

On the side away,
lie the clay vales
where things are formed.
We are given to the harp
and the hammer,
entrusted with so much
more than we know.

Monday, November 12, 2007

How the knife cuts

They show me pictures
of my brain
They say, there you are eating
there you are frightened
this is aroused
This is how it works
They say
here you are playing the
see, the musical part of your
brain is active
and the part that controls your arms and
they are active too
Notice that your emotional and memory regions
are also very active
"Really, I didn't know that."
"So, what was I playing?"
"So, is that Scriabin's brain?"

Do you count? I don't count.
I used to count.
Now I don't.
Every day, more things count,
they add up.
I don't add up.
Every day, more things to spread attention
I don't spread
I am a lump
waiting for
to do
its job
I am so happy to be an American
citizen. I live in a country where the only
two problems left are smokers
and fat people
Fortunately, they die pretty quick
but they use up a lot of health care dollars
Why not get the Chinese hooked on our cigarettes
and food and help them with that population explosion?
I should have been a diplomat.
I think, maybe I've gone to too many contests
I keep thinking, "what's my angle?"
I think, maybe I went to the Colosseum
too much
I keep looking for that thumbs up.
I should never have waited in line

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I Will Vote For You!

Oh, the allegory
of mementos

the revulsion
of the mixed

as though daily
life was not quite
good enough

if truth is not
but obvious

where then
is its

The rarest things
go to
It is good
there are not 10,000 Picassos

(recycled music)

go on, click it

Friday, November 9, 2007

Great! Dividends!

Eventually, we only had seconds
for each of a thousand things
We buzzed like insects

j1 + j2
there is something in the
fabric of this punishment
mindless, yes
but bundled with
what I have discarded
as mistake
to see in the warp
of your woe
the woe you've
the unbearable cliche'
listen as you become
in the muffled background
of despair

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Experimental Error

Evgeny Kissen
Tangerine - you asked for him playing some Scriabin, well, here he is, as Scriabiny as you can get. I can't wait to see you use it in your act.

Scriabin Op 8, No 12 - Evgeny Kissin

Hey, Mitch, Judith, "Hombre" - you gotta check this out - it's old decaying film stock, accompanied by a piece called Decasia, by Michael Gordon. The scenes are from a long time ago (hence the decay) - and the decay effect is unpredictable and nuanced. Mitch, I know you'll dig it -

Anyway, here it is.
Decasia (excerpt)

Greg Lynn - The Thinking Architect; I love the term - another example of the design to machine paradigm being reapplied via UTM (computer if you must)


It could have been a lot worse.
It can always get better.
It can always get worse.
No shit?

I'm out of butter.
There are people that have never tasted butter.
I burned my hand.
You have a hand.
On a scale of zero to infinity,
everything is nothing.
And I alone survived.
It could have been worse.
Actions speak louder than words.
Everyone is, someone else.
Something is always better than nothing.
Half a religion is better than none.
Half a heart is better than one.
You have to carry your weight;
like columns of air.
Them's the rules.
THe tigHter thE nOOse, tHe STroNgER the coNviCtiONTHe tigHter thE nOOse, tHe STroNgER the coNviCtiONTHe tigHter thE nOOse, tHe STroNgER the coNviCtiONTHe tigHter thE nOOse, tHe STroNgER the coNviCtiONTHe tigHter thE nOOse, tHe STroNgER the coNviCtiON

Dead man walking

The next time the Khan comes, I burn Moscow.
The next time I see three in a row
I jump
I have outgrown
my life
The next time the wheel comes
I crack
The next time the owl hoots
the candle dies
and the cat leaves
I'm checkin' out.

Tomorrow, I will be a quantum resonator. I will encode,
everything that has happened to me, every memory, every perceptron state
Shine a light through me and see
the ME-bius transformations.
I will be a mindful resonator, not the
crocodile I was today.


What is the difference between causality and correlation? We make no such distinction in programming. They are the same. Except - - the real causality: the fact that EVERY TIME this bit is set this way, and this bit is set this way, and, ....., and this final bit is set this way, every time it is exactly like this.......
but not exactly causality,
thiS HAPpEns! could happen too

And who is to blame for all your troubles? Why, your comrades.

This new religion of yours,
how's it working for you?
Are you happier now?
Deeper, cooler, sexier, wiser,
better off?
Follow the time rivers.
Where does all this attention go?
Who benefits?

THis new religion of yours,
"Looking good"
How's it working for you?
Feel confident now, do you?
Yeah, you look great. You must work out.
Do you mind if I
just have a
in your
(Do you have papers?)

This new religion of yours,
Feel worthy yet?
Pulling your own wait?
How's that layaway life working out,
when do you have it payed off?

The guy is talking about his Home Theater. The consumer version of what movie stars and other people at the top have. Everyone chimes in, talking about special cables, and how much they cost, and how elaborate and expensive it is. It gets all mixed up in my head. Did someone say something about an Asp? No, I don't know what it is like to shit gold. Gold dust when you wipe, that must be very elegant. Blue cables on the left, orange down the middle, through the beam, but that's where you put the ambient speaker. I see the puppeteer's feet below the stage. The masks fall and I see old men crying. And on their faces:
grey line
connected to
grey line
wired together
for this sad, sad,

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My blog is going to save the world!

Something not to do if you're me:
Tell yourself you can have a piece of candy
if you'll go down stairs and get a pack of cigarettes
then when you get there and go over to collect your candy
you say: "Tricked ya", and laugh one of those dismissive little
snide laughs. Even though it's you, it still makes you feel like shit.

Am I homely and pathetic?
Am I embarrassed, humiliated?

But I am not ashamed.

Loneliness wears away at you.

It is
so convenient
to compress everything
into one thing:
Did I say money? I meant Power,
I mean

I write to con. I sell my self.
I sing the body
of the body.
My 15 meg of fame -
They'll make a movie of my blog
I will wear a uniform
and a have a giant wallet
I'll be on TV, and everyone will be in my blog

My blog is going to save the world!

Why else would I write this nonsense?

From Russia with Spite

Today, I told a Russian colleague, "I don't care about that any longer, I have adopted the Russian heart." Some other culture might be offended, not these Dostoevskians - "spite drives the man", Divine Spite - EVERYONE grows up in Russian, no matter where you are. Everyone is tragically disappointed, having to spend their whole absurd lives getting a good overcoat - that's all it amounts to - the purpose of life? - subversion: while wasting your life on what "they" want you to do, read a good book, and get drunk. You routinely stick "of course" in front of every negative. Of course I have a flat tire, God is shitting on me and laughing. Of course they didn't hire me, I am gloomy. It's the middle of winter and the boiler is broken; "Of course it is. I understand. Look, I expect naw-thing. Do what you will, I will keep going. Freeze me! I will paint, type, compose, complain, my way into your living room. I will gnaw my way into your heart. I have the heart of a dog. I can survive anything!
I love the freedom it gives me, the anger it replaces. Once you get used to being angry, it comes, the Russian heart.
When I told him I had adopted the Russian heart, he smiled that Russian ironic smile: "You see now?........Now you know." It is a beautifully evil smile.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Correction: The Paradox of "Consumer" Choice

Really interesting short about Ryan Larkin, talented Canadian Animator. The CGI by Chris Landreth is very sophisticated.

Link -> Ryan

Animation by Chris Landreth (very heavy cat....)
, based on "Disregard this play", Link -> Bingo

Lovely metaphor for how something can be incomprehensible in one view and simple in another. Link -> Moebius

Here is one of those Google Techtalk videos, where they bring in special speakers to keep the Google stuff up to date. This talk, by Professor Barry Schwarz is called "The Paradox of Choice" . It deals with "overchoice", analysis paralysis, and so on from a sociological standpoint. One of the lemmas is, "Everything suffers from comparison."
There are a number of excellent quantitative studies showing paradoxical effects when the number of choices increases.
The habitus is that consumer choices determine happiness. Of course, the consumer prefix is left off. The other bit of habitus is that this "bad comparison algorithm" is treated as inevitable. when in most cases it can be easily relaxed with 19th century mathematics. Futhermore, there is no analysis from either an operations research or information theoretic basis. What optimizations are avaialable, e.g. is there in an optimal strategy nevertheless? How many choices are pseudo-choices, what is the sensitivity of satisfaction to the overall expectation? Could this be a sign that we expect too much from THINGS?????????????????
On another plane, this sociology speaks of inevitabilities based on highly specialized sampling. This is no more inevitable than students not knowing how to do calculus until it is taught to them.
The real problem, of course, is that if business defines everything, including happiness, consumer choice is all that matters, because, like all Darwinian creatures, you are a consumer.
"If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities."
Maybe it's time to take the reactor off line........
............................Nope -
Watch the video - if it applies to you - look at the domain. It only applies to things that require selection. What if you don't take the gambit - opt to like Picasso and Raphael incomparably.
Watch out for that one, she
has a calf, they'll go after her
for sure. We must have calves
we protect the young
That one is ill, it won't live,
let it die for us now instead of tomorrow
That one is old, they will take it last, it is dead
Move away from the ones that will go first
except the calves
Move away from her
her son has problems
she'll draw the sharks
she needs help
move away
He has a drug problem
she has a hormone problem
he's on prozac
she's on anti-depressants
he's a narc, she's bi-polar, no I meant BPD, he's one of them,
she's not like us, they smell different, he hates women,
she has Baron Von Munchausen by proxy
(but he actually is Baron Von Munchausen!?!)
It's in their nature -
they scream, but it don't mean nuthin'
it's what they do.
if I give an inch they'll take a mile
I ain't budgin' - not an inch - cuz they'll take a mile
they won't budge an inch, not even 1/8 of an inch, crazy....
he has baggage, she has sensitivity issues, they're not right for each other
she's too smart, he's arrogant, they have no talent, that's incurable
With the proper combination of drugs and therapy, this is correctable
Fill the meaningless void with cosmetics - drive the wedge in deeper for them
here's the a-priori -
Pain means anger.
Misunderstanding brings pain, brings anger.
Anger brings pain.
<<>> - "I" am going to change my chemistry - I'm going to SCARE MYSELF! >>
The recollection of the tides of fortune in Uncle Vanya
that is not poetic drama
that is depression
Myshkin, Buddha, Roquetin, Bartleby; the lot of you,
Tchaikovski - chemical
Scri - chemical - abin
Don't even bother with Dali and Van Gogh -
Picasso, different, he met the president didn't he?