Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I couldn't live without italics

There is nothing not
only misunderstood.
Everyone understands everything.

Does it matter how different
the answers are?

Bridge Street

How could a name conceived
with such utility
now carry so much imagining?
There is a nostalgia here
for steel.
There is a nostalgia here
for luck.

There are faces in my floor -
These are all from my bathroom floor with no processing. The blue is color distortion from a cheap digital camera (or is it?)

Heart of a tree, butterfly, ripples in a pond...?


* said...

italics are wonderful, just as your wooden floor.

Lost-In-Symbols said...

thanks, antonia - words on the page are such impostors in a way, we glide along on the surface, but everything has so many meanings - italics are cool, they never stand up straight