Saturday, December 8, 2007

Look Ma, both hams

How to improvise with both hams
Don't imagine bass and right hand
Imagine bass player and piano player
Don't imagine bass notes and piano notes
Imagine dialogue
It's not the hand, but the
arm, that makes them different
One that walks the beat
One that sees what it can get away with


Pray to Be
What can we pray for
and show good faith
to have it answered?
We can pray to be;
to be fair, and generous;
honest and open; to love;
even the impossible; especially
the impossible
We can pray for the will
to carry out our best intentions
We can pray we are not ruined
by strife or bad luck;
to lose our prejudices
by the bundle
To see the hand that moves
when we move
to cut the strings
To ask a thousand terrifying questions
every day
To be afraid
but not live in fear
To be new, but not naive
To stay in our seats
for the whole movie
and never look away
We can pray to be the answer
to another prayer

What can we then hope for,
and show good faith?
To be loved for
what we pray to be.

Hey Ike, here's a cool contemporary string quarted called Ethel, maybe it will help stop the voices...
Be careful, string players jerk their heads around a lot

Oh, and Ike - here's that Chet Baker stuff you were wondering about...

Check out this cat's face - he's been around....

Now, IKE - here's a real treat.....three masters at work:
Van Morrison, Chet Baker, and Steven Sondheim - excruciatingly beautiful, I know that's your diet Ike - nothing but meat...

More music for you Ike -
Comfortably Numb


You say Truth, Beauty, Love, God;
these things are for children
What have you instead
with your relaxed jeans
and ball caps and running shoes?
You're still JUST dad trying to be cool
and existential like
It's the same old cynicism
of least action for the heart
of way more answers than questions
authoritative like
You live without myth? That's the adult way?

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