Monday, November 12, 2007

How the knife cuts

They show me pictures
of my brain
They say, there you are eating
there you are frightened
this is aroused
This is how it works
They say
here you are playing the
see, the musical part of your
brain is active
and the part that controls your arms and
they are active too
Notice that your emotional and memory regions
are also very active
"Really, I didn't know that."
"So, what was I playing?"
"So, is that Scriabin's brain?"

Do you count? I don't count.
I used to count.
Now I don't.
Every day, more things count,
they add up.
I don't add up.
Every day, more things to spread attention
I don't spread
I am a lump
waiting for
to do
its job
I am so happy to be an American
citizen. I live in a country where the only
two problems left are smokers
and fat people
Fortunately, they die pretty quick
but they use up a lot of health care dollars
Why not get the Chinese hooked on our cigarettes
and food and help them with that population explosion?
I should have been a diplomat.
I think, maybe I've gone to too many contests
I keep thinking, "what's my angle?"
I think, maybe I went to the Colosseum
too much
I keep looking for that thumbs up.
I should never have waited in line


Diane Dehler said...

I liked the Scriabin poem a lot.

Lost-In-Symbols said...

Thanks Priness Haiku -
Ah Scriabin - deep diver...