We are lost in symbols
They speak on
their own
We have forgotten this
We believe they are our voice
we, who say, we don't believe...
I remember the first time I saw a rainbow made from oil. It had rained, and some of the puddles in the road had oil floating on the top, like it does, and caused a circular rainbow pattern to appear on the surface, like it does. I couldn't believe it. It felt like "free toys". I couldn't stop looking at it in amazement. I didn't know anything about refraction, or the oil, or anything like that. I just saw a rainbow in a puddle.
I had a similar experience, when I was older, in my grandpa's pickup truck. There was a piece of costume jewelry or something, that acted as a prism and split the light into the same rainbow of colors. Most people have seen something like this on a sunny day when the sun is at just the right angle. Seeing the inside of his beat up old truck, bathed in rainbow colors, felt like some divine gift. I was overwhelmed with profound feelings of reverence. It seemed like, extra.
I had a similar experience, when I was older, in my grandpa's pickup truck. There was a piece of costume jewelry or something, that acted as a prism and split the light into the same rainbow of colors. Most people have seen something like this on a sunny day when the sun is at just the right angle. Seeing the inside of his beat up old truck, bathed in rainbow colors, felt like some divine gift. I was overwhelmed with profound feelings of reverence. It seemed like, extra.
beautiful post
Thank you.
Have you heard of GIGO? Garbage In, Garbage out?
The other side is, BIBO.
Beauty In, Beauty Out.
Thanks for the comment.
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