Tuesday, December 4, 2007


There is only one Phoenixville

High Bridge stretches like a
great cat arching its back
toward the sun
What is on the other side
I barely know;
different churches
different rights and wrongs
different things that make them smile

We come to this side, to be reborn;
but first, to finish burning.
I have seen death leaving the station
as I was coming in
and thanked it in my new mind
but that was before

The Sunflower has been cut for winter;
layed out on the grass to melt away
Everything around me has
died or disappeared
and still...
no sign of ash

What will this one be like, what have I learned?
Death precedes birth but they are one and the same
in the limit.
The flame is worth the fire if you're honest.
Don't count on now.
There really is only one Phoenixville.

1 comment:

* said...

this is great, the photo and the bridge and the poem...sad but true and then not sad.