Oh Gawd! He's doing it again!
He's warm, and funny and bright for a while
and then, cold, dark, silent
He's cycling! Look, he's cycling.
Quick, call a Pharmacist!
It's spring
Salv: So, what is time then?
Simp: It is what is measured by a clock.
Salv: And how does a clock do that?
Simp: It's quite simple.
He opened a clock to show me
Simp: See this gear? It turns this gear, which in turn turns
these two gears, which in turn, ...
Salv: Ah, but why those gears, in that way?
Simp: Why to get the right time.
Salv: And if there were no clocks?
Simp: We wouldn't know what time it was.
Everything profound is circular; tautology
Everything meaningful is choice
Survival for that which
must compete is obvious
Detachment from that which is
bound to pain is obvious
Everything important is obvious
Here's the choice:
The infinite joys of this world;
Are they worth the wheel of it?
The holy choose the middle way.
Middle of the road, is peaceful.
The profane choose the dust
of the road.
There is enough futility here
to make distractions seem
like wisdom
Then there are those of us
that choose the flame
We learn to keep
the losses to
We nail the chosen
hide and all
to the sky
We learn
to weave ourselves,
in time.....