Friday, October 26, 2007

Honestly -
We tell our lower classes, sorry, people in the food services, or accomodations or ... they are important and then abandon them, give them second rate educations, feed them fairy tales they live vicariously or practice mindlessly, we tell them they are important when we don't know ourselves.

The Ladder of Disgust

If the Checker can not be on its own square, where can it go?

The peasant has a cat's soul. It does not go to school, it does not need help,
it has no particular talent. It gets by on its style and its cunning.

The peasant has the heart of a dog. It is simple and loyal and long suffering. It will wait, in the cold, for you, and come to you on three legs if need be.

Is the cat, a cat, because it can not be anything better? Who ever thought such a thought?

Inside the Castle, they are spoiled, it is natural. They have not wasted the grander things
on you. They have ranked all things and dispensed accordingly.

And so, at your funerals, in your bars, in your rest homes;
the lottery ticket, the bingo card, the visitor's badge; the fairy tale you'd tell a horse
before you shot it.

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